Good evening from the Quiet Lakes, giving you all an early report as we will be down in Balsam Lake bright and early for a volleyball tournament. Temperatures look to be on an upward trend, along with some rain Sunday through Tuesday. Those two things should take care of any remaining ice or snow we have in the area. It will hopefully also bring some much needed precipitation to the area and help get these streams and rivers flowing. The snow and wind we had the past week really put a damper on anglers getting out to fish as I have not heard of anybody going out at all.

There is still time for you to get gear ready before the crappie spawn really starts to heat up. Rods, reels, line and tackle should be rigged up and ready to go (especially pinkie jigs for crappie!). You will also do well on small Northland Mimic Minnows and the smallest sized Beetle spins. And after many years of my dad outfishing me, a simple gold #6 Aberdeen hook rigged with a crappie minnow under a bobber is a staple go-to for getting slabs in the boat.

I apologize for another short report, but this weather has been absolutely brutal for fishing. Just when it started to look good, we got reminded of March winters here in the Northwoods. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Talk soon,
