What People Are Saying About the Quiet Lakes:
“Of all the places we have been I can think of none more beautiful and peaceful. The fishing was excellent and the wildlife was spectacular: from the eagles soaring overhead, the otters frolicking in the bay, the beavers busy at their lodge, the deer, to the sweetest chipmunk under our steps.”
“The Quiet Lakes are my water therapy.”
“Why can’t we see stars like this at home?”
“My life dream was to catch a legal musky and I had to come here from Hawaii to fulfill it.”
“As always we thoroughly enjoyed our Teal Lake visit. It’s so much fun to introduce our children to the Northwoods – they felt very much at home and were ready to stay for the rest of the summer! (We all were!)”
“We can never get enough of this north woods paradise. The loons provided a concert of varied calls like nothing we had ever heard before.”
“I didn’t mind being awakened in the middle of the night by the haunting bugle of an elk!”
“It is dangerous to introduce paradise to our hectic city minds, yet the peace and quiet beauty was a tranquilizer much needed.”
“Your chances of catching a legal musky are greatest on the Quiet Lakes.”