Fishing report 21 March 2025

Good evening from the Quiet Lakes, the mild temps have had some effect on the ice and I am hearing conditions are all over the place.  According to the weather app I have we are going to get down into the single digits tonight.  It looks like some snow/rain mix on Sunday with snow accumulations from 1-3″. It then appears we will see the 40s and 50s by the end of the week.  As stated before ice conditions are varied all over and I know an angler who went through on the Eau Claire chain just north of here.  He is fine and has been back out since! MAKE SURE TO USE CAUTION if heading out for a late ice bite.  I am hearing the sheets have anywhere from 12-15″ of ice yet, but getting out can be sketchy.  

The panfish bite seems to be pretty good right now and fish should be pushing into shallower water with better oxygen than in the basins.  Jigs and minnows or waxies seem to be working best.  Look for fish anywhere from 6-12 FOW and look for deep edges or points adjacent to deep water.  River or creek inlet areas can be good late ice spots too, again use caution around these areas as ice may not be solid in these spots.

Anglers should think about renewing fishing licenses for the year as their current ones will expire at the end of this month.  Most anglers I have talked too have packed up the ice stuff for the year and are getting their boats and open water set ups rigged up.  We can dive into some of that over the next few weeks more in depth.

That is all I have for this week’s report.  Not much for anglers going out, and that will continue until ice out!!  Have a great weekend, pray for no snow and we will talk soon!


Fishing report 15 March 2025

Good morning from the Quiet Lakes, we did not get as much rain as was first predicted for today. High temps yesterday hit almost 70 which knocked down almost all the snow down aside from the plow piles. The weather looks to stay in the 30s and 40s this week with a slight chance of minor snow on Wednesday. The ice is still in good shape although the shorelines will start going away rapidly at this rate. It sounds like the sheets of ice on the lakes are still 20-24″ thick.

About the only thing I have heard for fishing is that crappie are still basin related and schooled up thick when anglers find them. Jigging spoons and crappie minnows seem to be working best right now. There are perch mixed in as well. Bluegill have been small on average and anglers are finding them in shallow water close to weeds.

Sorry for the dismal report but there is very little fishing being done right now and it’s going to be a slow month and a half until opener I feel.


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